the evolution of the web
WEB 1.0 • (1995-2005)

This era brought static web pages online. Users could obtain vast amounts of information in seconds, but couldn’t really do much else. This era is sometimes referred to as the “read only” era.

evolution 1
WEB 2.0 • (2006-2020)

This era gave everyone a platform. Websites were no longer “read only,” but rather provided users the ability to interact with each other and with media and also to upload their own content. This is the era of social media and user-generated content. It is sometimes referred to as the “read and write” era.

evolution 2
WEB 3.0 • (2021-Present)

This next era aims to build on the creator-centric characteristics of Web2 but without full reliance on centralized platform. The decreased reliance on platforms allows users and communities to co-own the networks they utilize most. Web3 is sometimes referred to as the “read, write and own” era.

evolution 3